Saturday, July 23, 2011

What should i do?? :0(?

Hi there, you have probably caught a cold because you are stressed. Try wearing vests and other layers under your uniform. Air conditioning is horrible isn't it, but most workplaces will have it so do try to overcome it. I can understand as I feel the cold really easily and it is really hard to concentrate on anything else. It is really warm today but I still have a vest on under my short sleeved blouse! A nice scarf around the neck can help if you are allowed to wear one and tights are a god send for me. After you have put on your layers, try not to focus on the cold and concentrate on your work and see if you feel better. If after a couple of weeks you still feel uncomfortable, talk to your supervisor again. Good luck!

Why do UK recruitment agencies apparently continue to perpetuate the myth of...?

"Firstly, it is against the law for anybody below school leaving age to operate a forklift truck. And, if the trucks are driven at all on public highways, then the same legislation which applies to all road users with regards to the legal minimum age also applies. Operators must receive adequate training which must be administered by an accredited trainer. The training should be broken down into several stages and should initially be carried out in a safe area and not in a ‘real work operation’ situation. "

Have you ever woken up suddenly in the night and felt that nothing had any meaning?

This has happened to me on occasion, it was as if nothing in life had ever mattered because it never occurred, I tend to bring myself out of this by reciting my full name, social security number, home phone number, etc. Has anyone ever experienced anything similar to this?

I have a question for those who attended ABC Training Center in NY?

do they give u uniform kits etc.for cna class book ... and how are they teacher and have anybody gotten a job since

Who revealed the Qur'an?

Quran is the Holly Book which revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).Literally meaning of Quran "A reading or reciting”. However, the "Quran" has been historically used specifically to refer to the book which was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).Quran is a literary masterpiece which the world has seen, nothing can be compared to the Holy Quran millions have become Muslims upon simply hearing a verse from this amazing book, yet still the majority of humanity don't know much about it.

What are my options for defamation of character on my business?

I own a bounce house business and we rent both wet and dry units. The wet price and a different price from the dry price. We have had customers reserve a dry slide and then use it wet so we had to enforce a deposit. Unfortunately before we did that we had one customer do this so when we arrived, we did not charge her the full wet price but discounted it and she only had to pay $40 more than the dry price cost. The customer paid at the time with no problem but now she is posting negative reviews making up complete lies on Craigslist saying we arrived late when we did not and how we had no company uniforms which is all completely false. She is writing everywhere that we are a scam. I have contacted Craiglist and the postings do get flagged but she just keeps reposting and nothing happens. Is there anything I can do to get this to stop?

Guys, what uniform would you like your gf to wear?

I think the schoolgirl look is really hot, like the private schoolgirl uniform. I might be losing my viginity this weekend and my girlfrined asked if there was anything I'd like her to wear, so I said the private schoolgirl outfit. What uniform would you like your gf to wear?

A Brief Description of HELL, and its Dwellers, with regard to Islam?

Even if I thought a god like that existed, I wouldn't worship him out of general principle. He sounds like the most sick and evil being imaginable.

Is it compulsory....?

aww, that is such a cute uniform, yes it is compulsory to wear uniforms here, no make-up and no jewelry either.

Muslims: doesn't Islam teach religious tolerance?

Yes, it promotes tolerance. I disagree with you about Sunnah and ahadith, but your deen is between you and Allah.

Last night I dreamed that a co-worker of mine got killed. Should I tell him and share the details?

He is a forklift operator, but in my dream he was standing on some shakey scaffolding trying to fix some lights, The scaffolding gave way and he fell flat on his face and was killed instantly. It was awfull. Could this be some kind of premonition?

Is this what freedom of expression has come to mean nowadays?

How proud we have become. We're forgetting the story of the tower of Babel. The minority atheist population in America seems to have a strong influence in legislation since believers are afraid of being labeled "unfair," even when their rights are being trampled. You don't need to please everyone. You belong to a religious group because you're supposed to support that group.

Calling all Christians who claim to speak/have spoken to God?

Well, normally God doesn't speak in an audible voice like He did to Moses. He very rarely does that. Most of the time, the way God speaks is very subtle. God speaks through His word the Bible, to our hearts and minds, through people and circumstances.

How to land role of Maria in "Sound of Music"?

In the fall our local theatre is doing "Sound of Music" and I would loveee to get Maria ! :) How should I act when they give me lines of hers to recite? Like graceful? Happy? Also a character analysis of Maria I would like!! Thanks!!

So do private schools still rank behind China's students?

We need a strict system as them ; our standard is horrible. There are just as smart Americans as the Chinese % wise but China has a higher population under the false perception of they are smarter than the rest of us.

How to quickly lose body fat?

I am a year-round volleyball player and my school season has just started. Every year during club season I put on some extra body fat due to less practice and workout sessions. We have a new trainer this year and he does not work us out at all. I cannot fit comfortably into my uniform and spandex and the extra body fat makes me feel sluggish and out of shape. When I am my most fit and smallest, I weigh about 135 but I am still 147 right now. This time last year and every year before, I would be at 135ish. How can I quickly lose the body fat for my season?

Should i work job #1 or #2?

ok here is my first job... it pays 8.00hr and is mon-sat 7am-4pm and on wed its 7am to 11pm doing hard physical labor unloading potatoe sacks from rail cars.... the second is a telemarketing service in sales that pays 7.50/hr 5pm to 12am.... i can do either with scheduling but my past has been forklift and sales, im not afraid of hard labor, and not bad at sales, plus if i work the first job ill get into shape again and i have always been a night owl but not i have a kid and think 1st might work better idk what do u think both have job security

How can we cure nightmares?

Nightmares aren't a disease, it's a human experience caused by stimuli, and therefore can't be "cured". It's like asking to cure fear or sadness.

If im going to take the global regents what do you wear?

Yea i failed in june and im going to take it again august 17th. Does anyone know what i have to wear like my school uniform or my own clothes!

When Buddhists pray who do they pray too?

I know Buddhists care for the wellbeing of mankind, and they recite prayers, to whom are they praying to? GOD?

LJW Security Services scammed me, need help getting money back!?

This contract is bull, what you should do is file a claim on Scam Book and wait till a lawyer contacts you. You can then sue these con artists, that's what I did. I got ripped off by bid rack and now it looks like ill be getting my money back thanks to Scam Book. You should also go to your local police department and file a police report.

I work for walmart and had an accident on the forklift. How long do they have before they can't drug test me?

It's been more than 24 hours but manager called and said I would have to take one. On a Saturday at that.

I am bad at punctuation. Can someone help me punctuate this email, or even help with the writing?

I had a chance to speak with 61 Steve regarding the tow he performed with the forklift on Wednesday day night. I explained the drivers might have to do a little extra at times for company since the drivers are now receiving a guaranteed base pay. Steve agreed, and now fully understands those situation may arise from time to time.

What Region/area in Washington State has the most industrial type jobs?

Husband is looking for new job, He works in industrial type settings like manufacturing, warehouses, machine operating, forklift operating, shipping and receiving, and he's starting college next year for welding/ maybe specialty in shipbuilding. Where is the region or area/countys with the most of these type oppertunities? he needs something steady, and hopefully decent paying- He's primary financial provider for me and our 3 kids. thankyou for all your tips!

Where can i get the Quran online?

I would like to suggest a site Islam Australia,the website always ready to provide free Quran for the Muslims and non-Muslims.I am giving you the link below hope it will be helpful for you.

Any weekend jobs near kaufman texas?

my wife has breast cancer and will be taking off work soon to have cancer therapy.have wife and 4 children to support.i am in percision sheet metal.i also have forklift license.i can also mow yards .i have a clean driving record and could be a courier. i live in the wynchse crossing ,crandall texas.

Friday, July 22, 2011

What would this be called?

Does anybody know if there is a device that would scan something (say, a book) and then recite it out loud? Do Kindles/nooks do that? Also, where could I get said device for not a huge sum of money?

GAMESTOP Question :) !!!!!?

Well I bought Red Faction Armageddon yesterday and i dont like it but on the back on my Recite, i was looking at their Return policy. The one i saw and liked was "Open NEW Merchandise may be exchanged for the identical item within 30 days of the purchase. Does that mean i get a new game or what because i was going to trade it in but they will only give me 24.99........ So yeah :) Thanks

What To Wear For Back To School Outfits?

Even though theres not a uniform, they still expect you to dress smartly. Most of the guys will wear shirts and ties, so try a skirt and blouse.

I need help with english terms?

These are not standard English terms. They are jargon derived from a specific reading strategy program.

Which is my fantasy country/city?

Hi I am a guy 17 years old.I love girls wearing miniskirts.I love to look at them while they are on escallators,stairs,higher levels in malls etc etc when they flash a glimpse of their panties(with a dark sunglass so that nobody can see where I am looking at).This is my pervertion and feel free to call me a pervert.Countries/Cities with 90% of girls wearing minis will be my fantasy destination.Tokyo is one of them.My question is which are the countris or cities in the world where I can see lots and lots of girls wearing miniskirts and there are malls with escallators with glass railings,reflective floors,mirror on floors etc.etc ? I fantasy shool unifom miniskirts and other miniskirt uniforms too.Thank you.

Need help getting half decent career?

I don't have a decent career, just a little temporary job at irving tissue stacking various tissue paper on palettes for the forklift driver's. I need more of a career than like 65 cents above minimum wage. I do work 12 hours a day, between 4-5 days a week, depending since my schedule varies. my only problem is my only education is a forklift safety classroom instruction certificate(I never even touched a forklift, it is just a one day course to help you learn the basics of working with forklifts and forklift drivers) and a high school diploma. my job history is maintenance/cleaning at a sports facility, where I cleaned, got fields ready for various sports and activities, including soccer, indoor paintball, mixed martial arts events, and a few others that required next to no preparation and I have been doing that on-call since 2007, with a brief 5 month stint of doing it part-time. I have also worked at a golf course for 6 weeks full time in 2009 and 8 weeks part time in 2010, where I cleaned golf clubs, power carts, stored them away(for the members who chose to have storage), assisted the golfers getting ready for there round of golf, and help them after there round of golf and getting range buckets ready for the driving range, as well as washing the golf balls after they have been used. Then I just have the little warehouse experience, but I can't do it forever, since I have a dust allergy, I have a bad back, causing severe pain in my legs and arms, and I will need more money soon. I only have been there a few weeks though, but there is no way of getting promoted anytime soon since I came in from an agency, so it is 18 months if I quit before I can go work with irving tissue (or majesta) and its another 18 months with them before I can get more money. so its too long, I do like to work with computer hardware and I can type at 30 words per minute, but that's it. any help is appreciated, thanks. I live in moncton, new-brunswick, canada, so a decent job would have to be 550$ a week, which is about 12$/hour

Boss threatening to fire me...constantly?

Okay so I've been at this warehouse for about a year now and the past 4-5 months my boss has been on my back every second of the day. No matter if I'm the only one working or I'm with a couple co-workers( all doing the same thing talking) and I'm the only one he says something too. he says smart remarks to me every chance he gets me alone and if there are other people around he will get someone else to relay his message( go do this or that). Now I've worked in other warehouses and this is by far the most out of control one I've worked in, for starters i was hired as a warehouse worker and he has me fixing forklifts, cars, and electrical things around the warehouse as well as my personal safety on half of the things I do on a daily basis. There are other people with seniority over me but he doesn't treat us all fairly. Last month i was waiting for an important phone call and i checked my phone and he walked out and told me if he ever see's my phone again he was going to run it over with a forklift. He is constantly coming up to me saying I'm either working too fast or not doing enough (which one is it). But most recently he has been saying "one of these times I'm going to tell you to go home and never come back". I'm at the point where i don't know what to do as I've applied for other jobs but the job market just isn't there, and he doesn't pay me enough to keep getting worked around like he owns me.

Why don't my friendship bracelets come out uniform?

As with anything - it takes practice. Or ask someone to show you how they do it. Maybe someone has some tips.

How easy is it for me to get an overseas contractor job?

I'm 22, fit, single, no kids, clean record etc. I have experience running various equipment like skid loaders and forklifts (I am currently a fulltime forklift operator at Sam's Club). I'm considering getting an overseas job like in the middle east where I can make alot more money to give my life a jumpstart. How easy do you think it would be for me to get a job? Where should I look? any advice and help is much appreciated

I have an Asss problem? boootieee'?

You might wanna try having them where there tight so they'll fit by the end day or whatever, just a suggestion.

2 SITUATIONS ON DANIEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3<… OMMMMMMMMMGGG...?

I think he likes you, but he doesn't know how to tell you or show you. Maybe you should invite him out with some friends like to the cinema or something and make sure that you two are sat next to each other. Do what feels natural at the time. You'll do the right thing at the right moment. :)

First year of middl school?!?!?

1 No 2 Alot 3 Different Kind 4 Yes 5 Yes , But It Depends What Class You Take 6 By Not Wearinq It Lol Jk 7 Easy 8 Schedule Yes , Map No

What to wear for my sports day theme?

wait so how do you wear pink if your already wearing a uniform?? you could always wear like pink prewrap and pink socks or a pink headband or you could like paint your nails pink

How to unlock uniforms in Red Dead Remption?

So i'm in Mexico and I entered the "I love a man in uniform" cheat and I went to enable it and it said that i couldn't use this cheat while doing an activity. What does that mean? I was standing there.

Whats a good poem to recite for Parents Night at my highschool?

The Lady of Shallot, you will have to be articulate though, however, high-school, forget it. It is too good and dramatic.

What job or job field should I go into?

So you think HR managers don't know their own organization or what positions they need to hire for? Obviously you are applying for the wrong position or you're not qualified if you're not getting the jobs.

I have no idea how to understand algebra?

hi im 20 years old this is so embarrassing i have not been in school since 6th grade cus of some horrible stuff i did and i was not doing anything for years and i just wanna do good with my life i recently had a job but i lost that i was a forklift driver was only at that job for a year which was my first real job. and i just wanna better life and do rite with my life sorry for my whole explanation but i try to look at algebra and figure out but i don't get none of it please help me and if anybody lives in Hammond Indiana that would like to come and teach me in person i will be more then glad

Why do I regularly keep yawning while I am reciting Gurbani ( holy book ) ?

A desire should be there to read a book. If we read a book with interest and concentration no yawning will come to us. If I get yawning while reading I start walking and reading or I keep something to eat.

Question about Catholics supposedly worshipping Mary?

First, Catholics are Christians. Now that you witnessed that the Catholics' highest form of worship doesn't include Mary, all fundie lies about Catholicism will be obvious to you.

How to look good in school uniform?

The face is the money maker. But I suggest walking each day to slim down more, then your belly won't stick out when you sit. I did it when I was younger.

Marcellus shale jobs. what jobs are out there for me?

Heavy Machinery- I can run excavators (7600-80,000lb.), Track loader, wheel loader, skid loader, tri-axle dump trucks, equipment trailers, telescopic forklift, compactor, tractor-trailers 53ft, 6in. Diesel pumps, Mig welding, and small metal fab

Should I go to the USAFA?

I am currently a female my late teens and for some reason joining the military is something i always wanted to do. There is something about the Air Force in particular that interests me the most. I love math and science and i definatly enjoy a challenge. Right now im considering going to the Air Force Academy after i graduate from high school, but this is something no one in my family aproves of. They all ask me "why?" and they think that if i join the USAF ill be commiting the biggest mistake of my life. I do not have any "problems" or wish to join simply for money or anything like that. If i honestly could i have the opportunity to go to any other college and i know i have many other career options if i wished. Nothing really caught my attention though. I tried imagining myself pursuing another career and i just cant see it. I dont want to do something 'normal' i want something exciting and risky, and when i learned about the USAFA i have never felt so excited and sure about wanting something. Right now I'm in the JROTC program at my school which is a leadership program based on the military. I love marching and the uniforms. I dont care about the yelling or how tough the basic training will be, but i just want to know from others if anyone has regretted joining the military? You think i should just stick with another career? My siblings constantly try to tell me that the military just try to "Brainwash" people, and that im too bright to fall for something like this. Do you agree? If you have or currently are in the Air Force, what do you think? What about the Air Force Academy? By the way i was thinking that if i join the military, I just want to do something technical. I dont wish to actually get in the war itself. Just thought that can help. So PLEASE what are some opinions on this? Thank you so much!! I will appreciate some opinions :)

Do i need a special licence to operate a forklift?

at my work place, me and a couple of other people are working the evening shift and it just so happen that we work in a warehouse and we needed to get something out of a crate up at the very top of the stack. i offered to use the forklift to get it down, but the girl i work with said not to just because apparently you need a special license. i am 16, have my intermediate license and i have operated this kind of machinery before, along with many other farm equipment. so, just so i know for next time, if i had to, would i be able to operate the forklift, or do i need special training through the company just to meet a standard of some kind? please respond. thanks!

Where can I get a cheap Series wound DC motor for my electric car?

I live near Buffalo NY and I can't find a motor for my car (that I can afford). I am looking for one with 5 HP or more and that is less than $500. Are there any scrapyards with old forklifts or something I could use?

Can an employer put a hold on your paycheck due to damages?

My husband accidently forgot to put the brakes on a forklift, which in turn caused it to roll down a slanted hill and into a customers car. He got fired (understandably) but his employer said not only was he not going to get his paycheck (today happened to be payday) but the hold also applied to his final paycheck due to damages. Is this legal? for the record we live in California.

Should i work this job or the this one? poll?

ok here is my first job... it pays 8.00hr and is mon-sat 7am-4pm and on wed its 7am to 11pm doing hard physical labor unloading potatoe sacks from rail cars.... the second is a telemarketing service in sales that pays 7.50/hr 5pm to 12am.... i can do either with scheduling but my past has been forklift and sales, im not afraid of hard labor, and not bad at sales, plus if i work the first job ill get into shape again and i have always been a night owl but not i have a kid and think 1st might work better idk what do u think both have job security

Do employers mind a long work history?

I've always had itchy feet when it came to work, i just couldn't settle down long term for the same firm. I've done car mechanics welding steel erecting factory work warehousing forklift driving and construction. The longest i worked for one firm was 5 years and even that was an agency. I sent an application of recently for a new job, i have the skills they require but they might see my work history as a bad thing. 20 years and i had to put in an extra sheet for all the jobs i've done. One sheet wasn't enough. Would that be a bad mark against my name?

Question concerning quran: why cant women recite quran in front of men other than mahram?

cause they are inferior, also its very difficult when you have a tent over your head to read anything

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Best Buy Ipod Touch Insurance?

I bought my ipod touch 4th gen. 32GB from best buy. when i was checking out they asked me if i wanted to insure it was only 40 buck for a year and they said it cover every thing but Theft so i got it, i just spilled some water on it and i cant turn it on, and i still have the recite, so if i go into best buy would they just give me a brand new ipod or would the ship it away and fix it? And where do i go when i walk into the store? (I have only had my Ipod seven months)

Computer information is different from a normal "good" governed by Article 2?

• Many of the provisions in the UCITA were first proposed as a modification to Article 2 of the UCC. Why do you think the drafters decided to propose it as a separate and distinct uniform act?

Is this what freedom of expression has come to mean nowadays?

How proud we have become. We're forgetting the story of the tower of Babel. The minority atheist population in America seems to have a strong influence in legislation since believers are afraid of being labeled "unfair," even when their rights are being trampled. You don't need to please everyone. You belong to a religious group because you're supposed to support that group.

I am looking for mechanically minded to work with me on a project, where would I find them?

We are looking for people to work with us on forklifts. I am not sure where I can find people that are equipped to do this work. Does anyone know of a website where I could reach them?

Up's and Down's of your life?

18 yr old mexican girl pro: i can cook,smart,love taking care of people,respectful con: lazy at times,bad driver,hate cleaning,hate shopping,hate people

Army Uniform Question, Help Please?

If you were in the army reserve or national guard and attended college and were in the ROTC program as well, would you wear your Reserve/Guard rank and medals/ribbons on ROTC uniform days on campus or would you wear your different ROTC rank?

Have you ever woken up suddenly in the night and felt that nothing had any meaning?

This has happened to me on occasion, it was as if nothing in life had ever mattered because it never occurred, I tend to bring myself out of this by reciting my full name, social security number, home phone number, etc. Has anyone ever experienced anything similar to this?

Can someone give me a reason to believe in God or any religion?

No. If you are a logical person that bases your life on fact you will never find a reason. The life of a religious person is much harder because they are always disappointed and lie to them selves and say they are not.

Scripture Insanity?!?

It seems to me that some Christians have the ability to recite/produce tons of Scripture references and quotes without so much as breaking a sweat. Sheer memorisation, or sheer copy-pasting?

Need an assassin name!?

Jahelah but calls himself Jehu - after the self -styled assassin in the old testament who kills all the family of King Ahab - wiping out evil and that is how he views his killings.

If it was refurbish from gamestop n i dont have recite how do i know if it has warranty ? fo ma xbox360?

Sign in to type in the ssn on the back of your xbox, or where the usb ports are. It will tell you if you do or not. If your talking about a warranty from gamestop they offer a 30day warranty, unless you bought an extended one but you would need the receipt to prove it.

What is the point of Reciting Qur'an 33:51 & Qur'an 66:1-5 when Muhamamd & his Wives Died long back ago?

I'm tired of being told that Islam is a "Religion of Peace," when every day I can read dozens of stories of Muslim men killing their sisters, wives and daughters for their family "honor"; of Muslims rioting over some slight offense; of Muslims murdering Christian and Jews because they aren't "believers"; of Muslims burning schools for girls; of Muslims stoning teenage rape victims to death for "adultery"; of Muslims mutilating the genitals of little girls; all in the name of Allah, because the Qur'an and Shari'a law tells them to.

Questions for a devout muslim?

Hi I'm a Pakistani Muslim. Actually I was born in Canada but raised in America but anyways do Muslims really pray 5 times a day because I tried and i is pretty hard. Also I don't know arabic so is it okay if I recite my surahs in english. I know a couple surahs in Arabic but when I recite them during prayer im not sure of the meaning and my mind is somewhere else. Also I just got english translation of the Koran and is it okay if I read that instead the real version? Also at Jumah the Eemom says a speech and then we all bow are heads and raise are hands and then the eemom says stuff in Arabic and then the ppl say ameen what is he saying?


Nope, sounds like you pretty much covered everything. Though I would add i-pod/charger,but that's just me. Hope you have fun!

How many digits of Pi can you recite?

I'm just wondering how many digits of pi people can remember, I can only get as far as 3.14159265358979323. Don't cheat either, like looking it up on Google.

Dress down day. what to wear!?!?

sooo tomorrows the last day of school and i don't have to wear a uniform tomorrow (y). i don't know what to wear! its gonna be 75degrees. and plus and i know how i should do my hair. i would straighten it but i wont stay ! help! and theres gonna be a lot of pictures taken so i have to look good(: please help me thanks*:

Understanding my dream....please help?

I had a dream as follows....a tall skinny woman laying on a couch was possessed by the devil or a demon. She tried to scare me by saying she was my mom, I replied to her she wasn't. Then the possessed woman talked about me being pregnant. I informed her I wasnt and said I took a pregnancy test. Later on in the dream the demon tried to spit demonic words at me each time I recited bible scriptures. Somehow the possessed woman went upstairs in this house and raped a man who was taking a shower. I stood in the doorway reciting more bible scriptures, the house caught fire. In the dream Nov.15 was suppose to be this day. I got everyone out of the house and burn down n so did the demons. Months went by my fiance and I were walking to his car when I saw this beautiful little girl around the age of 4.1st she claimed to be my little sister I said impossible....this day was March 4. I called her a demon. We walked away got into my fiance's car where I asked him if he loved me. He told me he does and to stop questioning his love. We appeared happy heading to a family bbq. In reality my fiance has been very distant and cold with me. Any understanding to this madness?

Secret Society Uniform in Sims 2?

I got into the secret society and then i moved from a dorm to a greek house and now i don't have my uniform for it. How do i get it back?

Do most Blue Collar Unions, hire X Prizefighters to help Republican Employers understand Collective Bargaining?

No, but Henry Ford did hire mafia thugs to beat up union organizers in the 30's. Today everybody sees the films and thinks it's union people beating up non union people when in fact it's the other way around. Just another example of the reich wingers rewriting history.

Visible tattoos and job types?

What I'm looking for is a general list of jobs (automechanic, forklift operator, etc) that in general have lax tattoo policies. A job type where it isn't going to be an issue getting a job just because you have visible tattoos, or even sleeves.

Accounting homework question?

Hulas manufacturing, INC is a company that manufactures forklifts. During the year they purchase $1,450,000 of direct materials and place $1,525,000 worth of direct materials into production. Hulas beginning balance of materials inventory was $320,000. What is the ending balance?

Are old shop repair manuals worth anything?

You may very well have a gold mine. A lot of those old manuals aren't available anymore, be it online, on disc or in hard copy. If you can find the market that is out there, somebody somewhere needs that information. I would suggest going through them and making a list of what you have and maybe offer them on amazon or craigslist or ebay. Classic car enthusiast may pay big money for an original shop manual for a 67 el camino electrical system. Ya never know.

Hi does anyone know or have held a valid forklift licence?

hi just looking some info about training and when you get your certificate do you need a valid uk car licence to do you training:??

How can i help my friend?

This could be serious maybe you could convince her to talk to a social worker or something? x Good luck.

How does school uniform stop bullying?

Well basically it stops bullying because everyone is wearing the same clothes just think about it who would bully a person for the same cloths that everyone else is wearing?? Haha

How do I operate a cherry picker forklift?

How do I operate a cherry picker forklift? I have my certifications forr a sit-down foklift but I never operated a cherrrry picker, can anyone help me with this problem?

What is the name of this game?

Its a really old game. I think it was made in 1999 or 2000.. Its something like unreal tournament where you have death matches with the computer. The theme of the game however is not gory and bloody like Unreal Tournament...Its more like a cartoony, funny, kiddish game. I don't think the game has any particular story, its just a fun arcade game where you shoot everyone and the last one standing wins. The game has a 3rd person view. I know only 3 characters from the game which you can play as and their names are - Chuck (a fat soldier with a green uniform and a green cap), Lenny (a black guy in a red suit with the symbol of a lighting bolt on it. And he can run really fast like the superhero, Flash from Justice Leauge) and a female ninja. Does anybody know this game?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How to get a job at a distribution center like walmart, dr. pepper snapple?

I just got my forklift certification from atlas and at my last job I worked at a cement plant driving forklifts here and there.. Im pretty good at it but its been about 1yr.half since I worked driving one but they were all sit downs.. I dont have any experience on stand ups, is there still a chance of getting in any types of wherehouse/distribution jobs? Many thanks in advance

How are schools like in the United States?

Each class is about 1 hour, 7 classes total, always expect drama in high school (-_-), Christmas break, spring break, summer break, lunch is paid for by you unless paid by school is needed, lunch at 12, 5 minutes between class, and remember, if you mess with someone in high school you're going to get messed with, and you ain't gonna like it.

I have a class 4 NZ licence what licence would I get in Perth when i Transfer it?

iv got nz licence classes 1F,2F,3L,4F,5L, 6L,DG,F what licences would I get in Perth i.e HR or MR? and would I have to a forklift ticket?

Hair ideas for non uniform day?

you cant go wrong with some nice cute little curls or ringlets, but if its to short to do that with maybe braids? oooor if you want something really different you could try a girls fohawk, that would involve a lot of teasing on the top of the head, and some slicking back on the sides, i guess you could google it lol hope i helped :)

Baseball fans do you like or dislike the stirrups/high socks?

I think they look ridiculous but I also dislike the new saggy butt uniforms. Baseball uniforms are supposed to fit snug with a neatly tucked jersey and a belt.

Should I wear my Air Force uniform or a regular tux in my wedding?

I am enlisted in the Air Force, and I'm going back and forward about wearing my Air Force uniform in my wedding. My fiance wants me to wear my uniform, and have the swords/sabers with it too. Can I wear my uniform, have the sword/sabers and still have a civilian wedding. I live in California, but I'm getting married in Illinois, so any advice.

Can you give me feedback on this poem?

Hi. Lovely poem, i like it a lot. Nice words choices between the stanzas, the topic is great. You painted a beautiful picture words , where you makes your readers feel what you are feeling. You have a charming poetic persona. keep it up.

How to control the white liquid coming out of vagina?

i want to tell that i use to do masterbetting before but not now still a white sticky liquid comes out of my vagina it makes me uncomfortable and make me impure as i am a muslim n recite namaz daily so plz tell me how should i control it?

Hoe\w to incite Sudarshanchakra? which mantra to be pronounced?

Different mantras are available in Sanskrit to incite Gods or weapons such as Gayatri Mantra etc. supposing I want Sudarshanchakra to come to my help how I should go about it? Are there any Mantras to recite or books to refer .please guide.

What apps are in the most recent AT&T commercial?

In the new commercial with the forklifts driving themselves what is the app that says "Try the noodles!"?

What is the poem in the movie 'leaves of grass" that is by walt whitman?

i cant find it online. it is the part where they are sitting by the water and she recites a poem to him. i really would like to know that name of this poem or what it is she says during the movie would be nice? pleasee help me out haha

Should a kitten separated from its feral mother be put back?

The BEST thing would to had feed the kitten. That way it will have lots of love and wont get killed by some hungry feral dog

Anti-Catholic Protestants: When's the last time you?

You realise that the Protestants that you are talking to (and I am not one of them), could make a list that is just as convincing as yours detailing the positive practices of their particular denomination.

No one will respond to my resume?

there is an article on AOL Welcome page today about writing a good cover letter, I suppose you have gone to websites on writing a good resume

Forklift Question. How the heck?

Forklifts are simple kinda like car just better turn radius, most forklifts actually have directions on them plus during certification theres generally video explaining usage and hands on training

Is it typical that real cops did not spot this fake cop..?

The dont all walk around in full uniform, so a hat and tie isn't the issue. I dont rate him as a paramedic either, he must have some "issues" that need addressing.

How do I find names of Irishmen serving in British army in Ireland during the Occupation years circa 1870's?

I have a photo of my grandfather in a (British) uniform. He apparently supplied hay & fodder to the troops stationed on the Curragh Camp and was apparently entitled to wear this uniform as a Provisions supplier.

Winter fashion question?

This question has been on my mind and as I sit here and watch the tv it came back to me. When I was younger everyone wore earmuffs, I was a cheerleader all through high school and earmuffs were always part of our uniform. I still wear earmuffs when it gets cold but I am starting to see less and less people wearing earmuffs. Are earmuffs still fashionally acceptable and/or does anyone still wear earmuffs (other than me?). I hate those goofy headband things but they look like the wave of the future.

In the 2011 Women's World Cup why do the teams wear the same jersey's as the men's teams?

Like the u.s wears the same uniform as their men's counterpart. Are they required to wear whatever their men are wearing. Also if the men's team changes their jersey will the women's team also have to change to the same thing?

Picking a premier league team to root for?

support tottenham, they have good history, popularity,good players and they play fantastic football. first watch their playing styles than decide which you want to support.

Really self conscious about ... ?

The way I see it the past is the past. In the words of a character from a Disney movie, "You can either learn from it, or run from it." People may react differently at first but once its out there there's nothing left to hide and you'll feel a HUGE weight lifted off your shoulder. And in time it wont even be an issue with your peers. That's who you were but don't let it define who you are now. Courage isn't the absence of fear but the ability to control it. SO have some courage, relax, and wear that short sleeve short. It may feel awkward at first but in the end you'll be glad you did!

Regarding Brahmahati dosha....?

Of course. You are right. You are performing the Brahma karma ( Which Brahmans are expected to do) so you are Brahman by way of karma. And if anybody tortures you will be sinning and face the Brahma httya patak ( sin for Killing brahman)

Is it true that the reason there are more *smart* Asians than smart whites is that throughout history Asians?

were far more brutal to the weak and to the dumb than white Europeans were? So brutal in fact that people that didn't fit the cultural norms of intelligence often didn't pass on their traits to the future generations. I was reading about how if someone made one little mistake while reciting the words of Confucius from memory that they were beaten with rods in ancient China and elsewhere, and that they had very little tolerance for imperfect people. In Europe, you would just as likely hear "it's okay honey, nobody's perfect, we all make mistakes" as you would "you idiot", lol.

Can I sue a prior customer for defamation of character on my business?

Collect the posts, and contact a lawyer. If the charges are unfounded, and you have lost business, you can sue her for libel.


boys are very immature at that age,even though you like him i'd say stay away from him, he sounds like a d******d! the water bottle thing was just stupid,he sounds like he is trying to impress you,but failing! stay away from him!

How do freight terminals load items into pickup trucks?

I'm having an engine shipped in and would like them to put the crate in the back of my pickup. Does the forklift driver just place it on, or how does he do it? Are the forks too big for a full size pickup bed (ford f150), or will it load with no problem.

Why does this happen to me?

I agree with you about jobs, money, and other things not having intrinsic meaning. But I don't feel others are the only way to find meaning. You cannot love and connect to others if you cannot do the same to yourself. Read Alan Watts.

How about changing the T.S.A.'s name?

They're just doing their jobs, I guess, but the people who own the airlines must be stopped. It's bad enough that they can get away with charging an arm and a leg now for what used to be complimentary, but now they're violating our privacy. I shudder to think what's next.

Moving across the country with my fiance, but we're having relationship problems.?

You have to decide if your love for him outweighs his negative points. Do you like the idea of being single again? Or does the thought of leaving him upset you?

Is there any truth in this quote? "The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose." --William Shakespeare?

If so how do you reconcile this with the idea that to "quote scripture" contains its own power. Alternatively and perhaps somewhat related, how do you reconcile being able to recite memorized scripture with the virtue of humility and not "showing off" that you have this capacity?

Whats the office episode name of this?

Michael pushes down the warehouse shelves with the forklift? And also they dump the packing peanuts on darrels head?

Is this a good resume?

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

He figured out my love poem was for him!?

Beautiful poem : ) and no your poem doesn't state that you like him because it could be about anybody

How to best clean a front load washing machine with mold/mildew. ?

My husband is a heavy equipment mechanic and is not provided uniforms. His work clothes are always covered in grease and diesel fuel. He has enough pairs that we only have to wash his work clothes once a week and we always run the clean tub cycle after washing his clothes. But there is build up in there and I have tried everything to clean it. We always leave the door open to air dry and use the tub cleaners and bleach to try to get it clean. Any suggestions on how to clean it? Also, most of the build up is on the rubber part in the front.

Does this business sound like a good investment? What do you think?

If you can afford the $90,000 asking price, and the cost of any renovations or changes, plus the cost to advertise it. I would consider it, BUT with a town population of 800 you would be a FOOL to do this.

What would this be called?

Does anybody know if there is a device that would scan something (say, a book) and then recite it out loud? Do Kindles/nooks do that? Also, where could I get said device for not a huge sum of money?

So I work in the real-estate office and I was wondering how much I can claim on uniform from tax?

As much as you want if you have tax invoices from your purchases but you cant claim plain black pants etc... only things that directly relate to your work. $150 without having tax invoices, it tells you in etax!

What does this courtroom and jail dream mean?

it means you long to be in america and the only way you can come here is in bad dreams. now go brush your teeth...

Do I have to wear uniform?

The HS i'm going to, High school for law enforcement and public safety (on guy brewer boulevard) says that uniform is required. thing about that is that i have been wearing uniform my whole time in school since preschool. I imagined high school to be different and its the exact same. Is it really a requirement? Cant my parent write a letter saying that she doesn't want me to wear uniform? P.S I didn't choose this hs, i was placed in it after an appeal.

Over seas contract jobs?

I've been interested in possibly seeking an over seas contract job, preferably one in Iraq or Afghanistan along side our men and woman in uniform. I'm unskilled as in, I've only worked food service and have been working food service for 8 years now. I want to do something and was wondering with the very lack of skills that I have, where and what type on contract jobs could I find?

RAMADAN: Is obedience of Rasoolallah (saww) ISLAM?

Islam is all about Mo. Without him, it never would have existed. Notice when Muslims say "the prophet" they all know it's Muhammad who is being talked about. That is because they don't worship or follow any prophet of God, just Mo.

Can I return clothes I bought at Victoria's Secret online in the store?

i ordered yoga pants from Victoria's secret and they ended up being too big. i already wore them and washed them once though, and they didn't come with a tag. i still have the recite though, can i return these through mail or the website and get all my money back?

Not too sure what to put in the professional summary section of my resume? help?

making my first resume and its all good except i have no idea n what to write in the " professional summary" section. my only jobs have been, forklift at a warehouse, general warehouse stuff, flagger, and i built houses with my dad under the table for my first job.

Does anyone think she likes me?

I would guess she likes you as a friend. I don't think an older woman would mention her boyfriend much anyway, it seems like more of a teenager thing to do. Sorry man, you seem to really like her.

Converting to Isalm, not sure how to do it?

if your afraid of the imam theres no props you dont need to go to the mosque if you got any muslim friends then ask them to help you and be your witness besides a lot of mosques have a sisters area go there id think it be better cos thats when you feel it most when you convert all the sisters there embracing you making you feel welcome

How can I remember something?

Has anyone got any effective ways of remembering a long script? I have to learn 2 pages of French and be able to recite it back by Wednesday - has anyone got a good, and preferably fast way of remembering it?

First job/First day of work, 5pm to 1am.. Nervous..?

Normal to be nervous right? Never had a job before, I'm 19, they are starting me at 11 a hour, and starting me with pallet wrapping, then stocking and then forklift stocking or so. I'm nervous.. They are gonna teach me wtf I need to do and stuff right? Is it easy? It's an industrial warehouse.

Why do hardworking people get sh.t pay?

why is it that hardworking people get sh.t pay and people that have easy job get alot of money for instance i work construction being a laborer and i get $10 an hour and its hard work then some guy out there is driving a forklift having fun and making like 14-16 an hour this world is backwards

Would you ask God to prove who He is by asking Him to recite the complete lineage of the entire human race?

Yes God could answer anything asked of HIM if there was a point to it. I dont understand why so many Atheist, are so concerned to ask questions about God, that they dont believe in anyway! I dont think the question is silly, just odd. I already know who God is, am so blessed that I do.

Are LPG gas forklift trucks based on diesel or pertol engines and...?

LPG engines use the same compression ratios as the gasoline engines. Instead of a carburetor or fuel injectors, the LPG engines just use a regulator that varies the amount of fuel released into the airstream. You can inject LPG into a diesel air stream and supplement the power from a diesel engine.

Should I quit my job? It is depressing me.?

I'm 18 years old, have a wonderful girlfriend, a car that works great, I live at home, and don't have to pay rent with a supportive family, and I have a 40 hour week job, in the lumber yard at our local hardware store. I plan on working here for another year, then going to school. However, my job is horrid. My boss is always stressed out and angry, and every time he is around me, my blood pressure skyrockets. I only get paid minimum wage, I can't run the forklift cause I'm not 21 and therefore I have to do all the dirty work. like sweeping and picking up garbage. The guy I work with the most has not picked up a broom for the entire 3 months I work there. Once the yard manager leaves, he gets on the forklift and moves lumber piles around all night, leaving me to deal with all the customers and clean up. I get sick at the thought of going to work, and I seem to be depressed and down all of the time. But my parents just think that I want to quit because I'm lazy which is not true at all. I want to quit but I don't know if it's the right plan.

What type of job should I get?

I have a high school diploma and a forklift safety classroom instruction certificate. I have worked at a golf course cleaning golf clubs, power carts, preparing range buckets and getting golfers ready for there game and assisting them after the game to put there clubs away. I also have cleaning and light repairs, preparing equipment and fields for certain sports at a local sports facility. I am now working in a warehouse as a hand packer, although I am only meant to be there as a temporary. I got laid off from the golf course after I asked for more than 3 hours a day, and since management changed it is totally run differently now, I was there for 14 hours a day before and we had one person to go to for any problem, then it became whoever was the highest in rank over there and she hated me since I had more hours than anybody in the history of the golf course, so she cut my hours back to 3 a day. I was there for about 6 weeks in 2009 and I was there for late april to early june 2010. I am still employed at the sports facility, but I am an on-call worker, so I work maybe once every 6 weeks plus special events and I have been there since 2007 (I got the golf course and sports facility job because of my dad). I recently started in a warehouse, but I can't get used to working 2 day shifts, 2 days off, 2 night shifts, 3 days off, for 12 hours a day, in 130 degree heat with no breaks, no liquid allowed and no food in the stomach. I just got fed up and started thinking of another job when my boss asked me to work friday night, saturday during the day and saturday night, which would be a 36 hour shift in a row, I think that is unreasonable. true I am getting 48 hours a week and making 40 cents above minimum wage, but I am really unhappy about my job. I am wondering if there is any job I could do that would be a bit easier, and maybe a bit less hard on the body, because I do have weakness in my legs, back and shoulders, and I do have depression too. I don't have to worry about rent, all I have to worry about is my cell phone, my car and my food, which runs at about 250$ a month altogether, and minimum wage is 9$ an hour, soon to go to 9,50$ an hour and up to 10$ an hour. I know I pull in like 425$ after taxes, but I just got in because I needed a job, now I just wish I could start in a store somewhere, but I can't seem to find any that are hiring. I prefer the night shift, but I can adapt to the day shift too. I can do repetitive tasks, I can work long hours, as long as I have a 30 minute break every few hours and I don't mind working with people, although I am not the best people person around, I can adapt to it. I live in new-brunswick, and I would rather not work for friends and family, so it can be a bit tricky finding work, but list me any ideas. I also love working with animals and just watching how they behave all day, if it helps (although no pet stores are hiring and we do not have a zoo in the area anymore, they moved like an hour and a half away)

Can I wear my civil air patrol uniform here?

For sure! I think it would give the congressman the impression that you are a respectable person without even knowing anything about you. You earned the right to wear that uniform, so definitely wear it proudly. It may help open up small talk dialog about your Air Force career which then relates to the reason for you meeting with him. The uniform will help to tie everything in nicely at the meeting. I'm not in the military, but I'm a female that goes all out with my outfits, especially for special occasions. I have a rule that I live by.... I always dress to the nines at an event-- those who see me and didn't dress up WISH they did. I don't ever want to be one of those people saying, "OMG, I wish I dressed up better!" Definitely go all out with your uniform!! Good luck :)

Do i need a forklift licence to drive a forklift?

If you are employed to drive one, the employer is obliged to see evidence in the shape of a certificate confirming that you have been trained and assessed as being competent, which is what people usually describe (wrongly) as a fork lift licence.

How did your last day in the military go?

At about 1600 one of my buddies came out to the plane that I was working on and got me. I changed clothes and walked out of the Hangar for the last time after 21+ yrs and went and drank beer. The next day I got up and went to the base and made my ID change colors and spent the day wondering "now what?" and thinking "I'm bored". I hung out for a couple of days for a couple of my guys re-enlistments and then headed to my home of record where I own a duplex house, collect rent and fix computers part time along with my retainer check. (and still get up some mornings thinking now what and I'm bored)

Does Forever21 Sell School Uniforms ?

so yeaah @ my school we have to wear dull uniforms. & i was wondering if forever21 sold any uniforms ? btw is it to hot to wear combat boots 2 school (back to school is aug.10th)

How can i ask for a lease quote with a forklift company?

I'm looking for specific details from a lease MHE company. I'm looking to lease 4 forklifts at my company. I'm looking for ALL the right feedback and a listing(s) of what they offer in their price, (maintenance, 24/7 phone service, on the spot oil changes, etc........where can I find this type of literature or advance advice??

Can I really use vinegar to clean?

I was told I could use vinegar to clean basically anything, is this true and does vinegar do as good of a job as 409 or other cleaners? Also can I use Hansens select white distilled vinegar? The package says it is diluted w/ water to a uniform pickling and table strength, does this mean it would not be a good cleaning agent?

What is the name of this yaoi manga?

The Uke Character has a large all male family that is poor. He has two twin brothers as younger siblings. He gets into a High School for the rich in his town because he liked to see all the girls in their uniforms but instead ends up falling in love with the super popular rich guy at school. I remember in the story they work together at a shop in the town...

Is My Girl Friend A Nazi?

I was recently at my girl friend's house and she went to the bathroom.Well She lives in a studio apartment and the only thing she currently has besides kitchen ware is A bed. so I go and sit on the bed, but since I am clumsy I slipped off the bed and found a box. I pulled it out and saw Nazi memorabilia such as a SS uniform, a dagger, and some medals.And I'm actually Jewish so this bothers me.That was days ago but today I came over and she had posters and banners hanging, All of Swastikas and Hitler and what not. But here's the kicker when we were having sex she asked me to put on a tiny little moustache that looked Like Hitlers. So I am wondering do you think she is a hardened Nazi and if she finds out I'm Jewish she will try to kill me. should I break up with her? Thanks.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Does anybody know how to pronounce the 99 names of Allah?

I did not know Allah had that many names. Wow, ask your imam. You cant really learn the correct pronounciationt through reading. Only through listening.

What's a good/cool talent to showcase in a beauty pageant?

Solve a rubik's cube. It's not too hard. Takes a week to learn at most. You should be able to solve it in under 5 minutes.

National Guard equipment?

When is the National Guard going to get new equipment? My unit is still equipped with muskets and uniforms from 1812.

Are there school fees in Toronto?

Are there school fees or student fees in Toronto public schools? Are there any schools that don't require uniform?

Questions about Islamic Prayer??

You may learn Duas when you're menstruating. The obligatory prayers (with the bowing and prostrating) you may not. For that you have to be in a state of ritual purity and that's impossible while bleeding. Prayers you miss during that time are forgiven in Islam. If the Muslim students are going to congregate on Fridays, if they can't attend a mosque then that's Jumu'ah. They probably lead a discussion or "lecture" in there at the time. It's an obligation for men to do that ever Friday, but it's not required for women. I'm sure if you wanted to go to learn, you would be most welcome. :-)

How do you think this new movie "plot" will go over?

A group of friends and I have been mulling over this film for several years now. We are all involved with the film industry in some way, mostly special effects and post-production people. We have most of the backing we need to get started. A few of us are champing at the but to get this film going but others are reluctant. The dissension is because the film is more or less nothing but a non-stop sequence of blood, gore and violence. It's set in an undefined, post-apocalyptic near future where laws and societal values are non-existent. It opens with a guy running down a road. A vehicle speeds up behind him. Someone leans out of it and wacks off his head with a machete. It goes on like that, from one scene to another, very quick cuts to people being killed in grizzly ways, impaled on forklift forks, thrown feet first into wood chippers, various fight sequences involving people of all sizes and both sexes fighting with and without weapons - chainsaws, axes, all kinds of knives, all kinds of guns, blunt objects. Lots of vehicle chases (cars, trucks airplanes, helicopters) with lots of explosions. Not unlike the Mad Max films. All very quick cuts, non-stop action. There is no plot to speak of and there is no lead role. All the characters are anonymous, very little dialog. We figure 3-D is the way to go. The dissenters in our group say we should tone it down, give it some kind of plot but the majority of us don't think so. This is the kind of stuff that people want. Plot just gets in the way. It will be a big hit and we'll end up making a whole series of sequels.

Need to redesign auto gear shift on all cars & trucks?

I don't know who is the first one who designs the auto gear shifts, but I think it is completely against the human instinct. When we want to go forwards, our instinct tells us to shift forwards. Look at the airplane and forklift, they are designed as such. When one wants to uplift the plane, one uplifts the control.This is called instinct!!!!. Instinct comes to play when you are in a panic or you mind wonders off. There are too many accidents where one reverses into shops or their own houses. I myself have made this kind of mistake but stops in time. This happens when you are not yourself. LETS HAVE OPEN DISCUSSION ON THIS. But I know,it will be a herculean job to convince the motor industries to change the long established design practice !!!!!

I hate my job (Computing) :( ?

Hey guys i really badly wanted a job as something practical say a car mechanic, plumber, joiner etc.. but my mums friend from next door offered me a job as an IT something behind a computer manifesting and stuff, its 9 pound an hour and i have done it for 2 weeks this friday, this past week and a bit has felt like a month.. i sit bored with nothing to do the work is a bore as i was never a computer type guy unless im at home on the internet, spreadsheets is just not my thing.. i walked out that place for a walk at lunch only to see my friend doing his welding which looked so fun he loves it, yes i know the pay in an office job is alot more pay than a practical job, and in the winter its cold outside.. Im 18 years old and the job is currently 3 months temporary which they say they will keep me on after it if i do well, but the thing is i don't wanna stay on, i wanna save that money i make after teh 3 months (4000 pound) and move onto a new life or something, i would feel bad considering he put his reputation on the line and wasted his time trying to train me that 3 months then i just quit, or if i quit now.. hes a nice guy and all its just i really am not a computer guy i sit there watching the clock, watching people outside in boiler suits getting dirty and living life, watching forklift drivers near by, just wishing i was them, what can i say to get away from this place? should i do the 3 months then stay.. is it normal to be more of a practical guy rather than an office? is money everything im only a teen and my parents wont throw me out they just helped out.. i think maybe 3 months here save the money go for a mechanic job, i just really need help, i can't see my self in 5 years still at this job, to be honest i can't even see 3 months.. i feel like a **** if i click, but i guess i am what i am and nothing can change me.

In one of Japan quakes videos there is a car hung up on telephone pole guide wire. How to get it down?

In one of Japan videos there is a car hung up at a 45 degree angle on a telephone pole guy wire or support cable. How would you get the car down without damage to the pole or people? I assume forklift will be busy elsewhere for a while and the mud won't go away very soon.

Forklift Operator Jobs?

I've been driving a forklift for the last 2 summers in a seasonal job moving pallets of mulch and dirt around and I really enjoy using power lifting equipment and heavy machinery but the biggest thing I've used is the fork. I'm interested in doing this for a living full time but I've heard that alot of warehouses are only concerned with getting things done fast and skimp on the safety part of it. Does anyone know of a good company to work for in this regard? How much they pay and if any pre certifications are needed?

I am looking for a book title.?

The book is about a girl who's minister father molests her while reciting Bible passages. It's a memoir. The title may have the word Faith in it.

Can we compare Tanakh & Quran ?

yes we can, both are archaic collections of superstitions and fairy tales. both have questionable morals condoning murder, slavery incest and pedophilia. these books have no place in an enlightened society

How to get a half decent career with only a high school diploma?

I have a high school diploma, and I took classroom instruction only forklift safety just to add something to my resume. I used to work at a golf course picking up golfers golf bag, cleaning golf clubs and power carts, I also work at a sports facility on call doing cleaning, minor repairs and working special events. I recently started at a warehouse owned by irving, but I hate it so far since the minor workers (those that don't have the green shirts) have a hard time doing the hand packing and the managers (green shirts) keep sending people home even though we need help doing some of the packing. I just need something half decent that I could do, I know I stuck around more than the average person since the average worker stays for 3 days and I am going on day 5 friday night (I also rotate between day and night shifts, I do 2 days, 2 days off, 2 nights, 3 days off) and when I asked for the same shift, they said they could make it happen, but I would only work 2 days a week, which I cannot afford. I work 48 hours a week (12 hours a day) and I make 9,40$/hour (minimum wage is 9$/hour) and I will stay at 40 cents above minimum wage whenever it goes up. I knew it would only be temporary when I got in, but I am not sure I can handle the long shifts with no sick days, no breaks, no nothing except work right through the 12 hours, I want something a bit better than hand packing for a life

What is the uniforms for women in the US Army?

Trousers/pants and skirts are available for women with regard to the "service" or professional uniforms. As far as utility uniforms, only pants are available to men and women alike. Same with PT uniforms...pants and shorts.

What shoes should i get for school next year.?

I will be going to a private high school next year and next some help on shoes. I have 1 pair of sperrys, a pair of pink ed hardy sneakers, and a pair of pink converse from target. Do i need more. I will be wear my uniform top, and then pants or bermudas. I just need some help on what type of shoes are cute and afforable lol. And like some popular shoes for high school. Like any cute sneakers or flats that are afforable. O and they have to be closed toed. Thanks. :)

Help!! Does anyone know this movie!?

a movie about where people are in an elevator and the power keeps goin out and everytime it does a person is killed , theres an old grandma that is doin the killing, that they thought was dead because she was the first to die becuase she was hung and the black guy is wearing a uniform that says calaway security and of of the guys in the elevator said over the walkie talkie that he had killed a mother and child 5 years ago in a hit and run.

New school clothes help?

Buy what you want. I live in Michigan too so I totally understand how you feel about the weather.. Go to every store on your list and you'll see things you like. Don't plan too much ahead because like I said: You'll see what you want and you'll get it.

Did Prophet Muhammad Copy the Bible?

muhammed was a fool duped and bank rolled by certain westerners to go and kill the JEWS so they could move their organization to the HOLY-LAND. THE quran WAS WRITTEN BY CERTAIN westerners to dupe the sandniggers into fighting a war for them a war they new they couldn't win. HOW STUPID ARE YOU SANDNIGGERS FOR BEING DUPED. your MASTER DAVID

We aren't allowed non-uniform day at school?

just tell them that it is for a very good cause and they will remember the things they learn that day better because you remember the things you had the most fun doing. no-n-uniorm doesn't sound like much fun but you'll be surprised.


Skinny jeans for sure (leggings are SO out!) with the yellow sandals and a yellow jacket. Super cute outfit and veeeeery jerseylicious!

Do i have to tell work and income that i have recieved money from my mums life insurance?

Hi ,i am on a benefit and am wanting to know if i need to tell winz that i will be getting money from my mum passing away. I am hoping to put some away for my kids when they are older and buy a car as we dont have one and also pay bills and I would hate to think that they would take it as we need it ? and will never have that kind of money again. ? I am also using some to get school uniforms for my eldest daughters.

Is this right for a school to do?

The schools are not allowed to put on the air con until a certain date in the winter/August. They can't send you home unless it has something to do with industrial action, traveling trouble (going home from school or road trouble) or if your ill. The school has to have a uniform because it's the school rules. So even though it's dull, yes they can do it.

Looking for work but not sure where to start?

I am going back on the job market soon and I need help as to where to start looking. I have a high school diploma and a forklift safety classroom certificate (no driving experience or anything). I have been doing maintenance and cleaning on call at a sports facility since late 2007(maybe once every 2 months, special events and part-time from november 2009 to october 2010). I have worked at a golf course from september 2009 to june 2010, with the winter off and only part-time in 2010. I recently started in a warehouse called irving tissue doing hand-packing, but I was sure to tell that it was temporary on the application, since nobody stays there for more than 2-3 weeks. my health isn't good enough to stay much longer because of all the dust and fumes from the machinery (I was told I was one cigarette away from lung cancer even though I never smoked (my mom's side almost all died from some form of cancer or had some form of cancer in there life, and they all smoke and drink) I just need to know where a good place to start looking would be, I was thinking like a major store, but right now not much are hiring because of all the snow, and the mall takes care of removing it. Any help is appreciated. I live in moncton new-brunswick if it helps

Am I Eligible For Unemployment If I am fired for normal reason?

Last month,my supervisor sent me in the office,wrote me up and got me sign the papers because i pulled some wrong Products. This morning, I was using a forklift and i hit a rack by accident, but it wasn't seriously damage and He sent me home. Am I Eligible For Unemployment If I am fired for normal reason?

Got suspended for not letting supervisor that someone was stealing from one of his stores?

i work for mc Donald's for over four years, one day my brother, a friend and me went to another mc Donald's to say hi to a friend, they were already closing and my brother ask him if he can have some pies, the employee give him the pies and by this time the manager on duty didn't said anything so i thought was ok because they had already close and they were trowing that to the waste, next day i heard that the employee and manager got fired for giving out two pies and apparently it was my fault too because im a manger from another store and didn't no body know what were they doing, so i went to day almost a week and my supervisor told me that i should let him know and as a manager im representing mc Donald's, thought it was stupid first of all i wasn't warring my uniform and i didn't took anything do think he is correct i should i do something please help me out

When Buddhists pray who do they pray too?

I know Buddhists care for the wellbeing of mankind, and they recite prayers, to whom are they praying to? GOD?

How many uniforms do police officers have?

It depends on the municipality and how much money they have are willing to spend on things like that.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Can I wear my civil air patrol uniform here?

The wear of most of the uniforms would be appropriate. The Flight Suit should only be worn when participating in flying activities. The fatigues i.e. BDU's also would be a bad idea. CAPR 39.1 If I recall has the rules. Good luck.

Why does my Stepfather/stepfather's family/ hate me?

Okay, I'm going to start this off by saying that I need some clarification on how to deal with him and his parents, because frankly, this pisses me off. My mum married him a while ago, and frankly, I do like him, he's a decent guy, and it's been hard the past few years because he's a soldier, and it's been taking a toll on our little family. ANYWAYS, I've been smoking since I was 15 years old (yeah, I know, don't lecture me on it) and I've always dressed alternative, and have always had strong opinions on certain things like the government, law enforcement system, mainstream music these days, Education system ETC. I'm not an academically minded person and I want to peruse a career in music, but my Stepfather was the 'good, nerdy' type in high school, and with the way he 'governs' the family, I'm the square peg in amongst the cylinders. He doesn't like my taste in music, and flat out refused to lend me money AFTER I had cleaned the house up so I could buy a Dead Kennedy's CD, because he doesn't like the 'noise' I play. We got in to a fight over how I don't do well in school, and how I refuse to conform in a uniform public school (don't ask me how that works) And tossed my Doc Martens across the house, and yelled at me. and it's always been this way, and when he found out I smoked, he basically looked at me and said "Your a disappointment" And started shunning me all these years. I come home with my nose pierced, he yells and says it's 'not ethical' and that No one would hire me at a job with that piece of metal sticking out of my face (I then later got a call from a music store and had gotten hired, and acted a little smug) And then there's the grandparents, now, don't get me wrong, I love them, but the littlest brother gets all of their attention, they talk to him, and the last time I visited them they said a total of six words to me, then they got mad after I had told them that the milk they had was sour. I try my hardest to be nice to them and to not swear around them, but the last fight I had involved all of them, I said '**** off and stop telling me how to live my life' and I stormed out of the house, then later when I returned, they where talking about me and how I was 'wild'' and that I needed discipline. What the **** is their problem anyways? I'm going to talk the way I want to, I'm going to stick up for my beliefs and I'm going to live my life the way I want to, and I'm wondering why they can't just accept who I am and move on?

Can someone tell me the meaning of the words in these two, short catholic prayers?

As a catholic I understand your confusion, we can be so dramatic. The first prayer simply reaffirms that you recognize Christ's divinity of which he emptied himself to take on his humanity in which his body and blood were offered to atone for our sins. I think this is a dramatic way of saying it and I think your question hit the confusing nature of this prayer right on the mark. The second prayer simply asks God to have mercy for the sake of Jesus suffering. His suffering on the cross is referred to as the Passion.

What do you wear to an orentation?

I have got a job at mcdonalds, its a temperay job so that i cna save up money for my car and since i have planty of time off now that i've left school. I have my orentation today and im not sure what to wear because we havent recived our uniform yet but im sure that will be covered during the orentation. Any ideas on what sort of clothing you think would be suitable to wear would be helpful please ?

How do I replace the propane tank on a forklift?

Please walk me through it and be as simple as possible. I have some experience but I completely forgot. I will choose the best answer as soon as i get a good one. Thanks

How can i take my self seriously without a good job ?

i have a job at taco bell, and i messed up a couple of times there, and i don't think it's for me and i get few hours, but i don't know when i am going to ge the job that i want in forklift driving, because i guess i am not qualified, but time passes by and no good job, and i ain't even so good at an easy job like taco bell, so how can i take myself serious i don't have kids or a wife, and i feel discourage. like maybe i'm no good. i hope somebody can relate to my problem and understand that if you have a good paying job you should be thankful.

Why are regular people allowed to buy military uniforms online?

There are all sorts of websites where ordinary civilians are able to order military uniforms online. Isn't that kind of weird? What do they need it for if they aren't in the military? Why are they allowed to do this?

Do people look down upon warehouse workers?

At a family reunion while back and the subject of what we did for living came up. Everyone had a interesting job until my turn. I said I drove a forklift and their was a moment of silence. Then quickly move to next person. Made me feel like a loser with no Ambition in life.

What are the probable cause of hydraulic overheating?

I have a problem about my forklift toyota 7fd45, hydraulic system is overheating what are the probable cause?

I think i may have been on the recieving end of hate-crime based on my faith ?

Well,they knew you were a Muslim,that's for sure.And they were teasing you,but you shouldn't have taken it to your heart.I don't think that they were gonna hit you,so just let it go and don't worry about it.

What should i wear with khakis?

i got a pair of khakis from Aeropostal, they are bermudas, but im not sure what to wear with them. I was think about a navy blue t-shirt to try to make it more casual, but i dont want it to look like some school uniform if its khaki and navy. i also thought about a yellow, kinda flowy, top, but like i said, i dont want to look to dressed up. im used to wearing jeans and a tee shirt, khakis are new to me :) any suggestions?

Where can I find some khaki skinny jeans?

My school has a uniform policy, khaki pants/shorts with a navy blue top. I'd prefer them to be in an actual store, not online. Thank you♥

What islamic prayer do you recite when visiting the grave of a family member?

We pray for them before we barry them. Then when we visit them, we recite as much Quraan as we can. Also, you can do Omra or Hajj for dead people too.

Dead/Stuck pixels on camera screen?

I have an Olympus X43, bought about 2 years ago (so no warranty), with a significant area of pixel damage to the LCD screen. It doesn't affect the pictures at all, but I am looking into selling this to get an upgrade, and I was wondering how much impact this would have? The area isn't uniform at all, about 15mm long and varying up to about 6mm high. Where would be the best place to try and sell this as well?

Can someone help me with the meaning of this short poem please?

Obviously a feminine-masculine thing in that a male's fingers probe whereas a female's palms hold. This is the difference between the aggressiveness of the male (father) and the gentleness of the female (mother). And in the last stanza the future will be exactly the same, the male thrusting, the female receiving, the male probing and the female accepting.

What is the mechanism on the back of some tractor trailers that lifts heavy pallets from the ground called?

I'm researching lift mechanisms and can't find information on this device. It's attached to the back of the trailer and acts like a forklift, lifting a metal platform down to the ground and back up.

What do you think this story is about..I don't get it?

The magnificent tree of life that pierces through soft, smooth, supple skin. Each piercing, a derivative of its own and each tear, an echo of its own that streams though the widest of paths to a permanent scar. Eliza Cumming inhaled and recited calmly to herself, "the magnificent tree of life piercing through soft, smooth, supple skin but each piercing with two derivatives, and each tear, two echoes of its own". The wind from afghanistan blew his scent of raspberry to her nostrils and brought a pricklish feel to. her skin and for the first time in three months, she had a smile on her face

Cubs uniform question?

Ever since 2010, the Cubs no longer wear the blue alternate uniform at Wrigley Field anymore, only on the road. Does anybody know why? I don't really care either way if they do or don't wear them at home, I'm just annoyed that I don't know the answer to this question.

Should I stay with this company or should I leave?

I think you have a different view of your capabilities and aptitudes than the company has. If they say you failed the tests, it could have been as simple as one aspect that you missed. If after two years you have seen no movement, I'd read the writing on the wall and move on to something more suited to you.

Forklift drivers- to what does the term "Dog and Chain" refer?

In a job advertisement for a forklift driver (picking/packing etc) it says "Must have Dog and Chain experience". Can any one explain exactly what this is? Details, thanks. (Not sure if this matters, but I am in Australia, this could be an Australian term?) Cheers.

Do you think some Bible-thumpers doubt their own convictions from time to time?

Of course we do. Being a good Christian is probably one of the hardest things to do on the face of the earth. Thankfully God understands we are not perfect and we will falter from time to time , and he will forgive as long as we ask and keep believing

Why Do You Think Illegals Are Taking All The Jobs?

I hear a lot of talk about illegal aliens taking all the jobs. I am not even gonna mention jobs in the fields which many Americans do not want to do. I am talking about real American jobs. I just started a job last week and it was hard work. We are stacking pallets at a pallet company. You probably don't think it is hard work but try doing it for 8 hours underneath the hot sun and getting paid minimum wage. I actually think it is a cool job. There are no illegal aliens working at that job. You have to have a legal right to work in the USA and pass a drug test to work there. The job is available only to Americans and people who can work in this country legally. So in this job you can't use the excuse: THEY ARE TAKING ALL OUR JOBS. Many of the people who work here are Mexicans. And yes, THEY ARE HERE LEGALLY. There are also a few White people working here but they are mostly on forklifts. There was an African American that started working here the other day but he quit after just half a day. He said he could make more money hustling or something like that. Oh well. I am just trying to say i don't think illegal aliens are taking all the jobs!!!

How can I clean my black fabric ballet flats?

wash them out by hand with woolite blot them well with a towel and letthem air dry .this should work .

I Have Bad Memory So How Do I Remeber A Different Langauge?

I have bad memory and it's hard to remeber things. I'm learning French and so far I only know 'Et' 'Vous' 'Va' and 'Ici'. Which makes the sentence fragment 'And here goes'. Everyday I recite these words to remeber them. How do I remeber a whole language with my bad memory? I also know one word in Italian which is 'omicidio' which means 'murder' because I got it off a TV Show xD.

Looking for Forklift Mechanics?

Sorry I'm from the US but I've often thought of going to Australia, Forklifts are kinda baby food though, got anything bigger and better to work on? ya know telehandlers, backhoes, skidsteers,excavators, that sort of thing?

How to say it correctly?

IN front of Tom there is a steering wheel; behind him there is chaos. I added a semi-colon, in case you didn't notice!

Where can i buy some super skinny navy blue pants? (no denim)?

At my school we have to wear uniforms....Where can I buy some skinny or super skinny navy blue pants? Anything but it cannot be denim..

Help with deciding a career?

Well its hard to find jobs now'a days considering the economic crisis and what not but there are still work out there first is investing is a key part of making money but to invest you need money and to get money you need to work. I run a online business through amazon and eBay that sells hobby shop items such as cars and dolls and such but you could try computer technician, or find a local job that pays off the books and try and work your way up. There is waiting, or you could try a bagger at a supermarket.

Where can i get a good resume template for a forklift operator for free?

Unfortunately i have a bad history of lay-offs in my belt but ive wanted for the past 2 years to prove that i want to get a career not just a job im applying at a company fairly close to where i live and have recently achieved my GED but i really dont know the first thing about setting up a resume and most of the stuff im finding on google seems pretty complicated so im trying to find a good template

TEENS: what's your school like?

Is it like the movie mean girls? Do u wear uniforms? Are you allowed to bring ur cell phones/iPods? Are most of the teachers fun or strict? Do you have lots of friends that you talk to? Do you think of school as a jail sentence? How much homework do u get?

I need help writing a poem?

a href="" rel="nofollow"

DOT flatbed tiedown rules, can I be forced to drive?

Can a company force a driver to haul flatbed who has no experience, training or clue?? I have an idea of the answer but this is for my new manager who seems ignorant to the fact that any fine or violation will show on MY driver's license. I have 20 years driving experience but only 9 years with van freight. (many years I just moved empty vehicles) Tonight I have no access to a DOT reg book and tomorrow I am supposed to pick up a flatbed truck and load up a 10,000 lb forklift and haul it 60 miles over a rough freeway. I have zero experience in flatbed operations, zero training, and not a clue what the regs say about strap strength or anything. Seems outrageous that I am being expected to do this. I believe I also need to show a log for inspection stops every few miles? As a local driver I have not had to do a log in years.

I need to turn fat into muscle?

Check out this diet system, they give you all kinds of free tips and advice... i think you would like it

I got an injury at work caused by a forklift on March 3...?

I work at a meat packing plant and I was squished (for lack of a better term because crushed doesn't seem to describe it) between a conveyor and a metal cart by a forklift. My hip hurt a lot and the medical department at work sent me to the local hospital and they sent me to Mayo because I am pregnant (the baby is fine) and they were unable to deal with such an injury. They said there is no broken bones which is typical with a crush injury and I will be sore for 1-2 weeks. After almost 2 weeks, I started it started to feel better but since then it has started to hurt more (like it did just 1 week after the accident). My doctor says I am complaining about both joints in the hip and if it still hurts in another 2 weeks he'll order an mri to take a closer look at the soft tissue to see if there is any tearing because it's not something that will require surgery just time to heal. I started physical therapy and was told that there is probably a bruise inside the muscle. On Monday, if it still hurts, I am going to call the doctor to get his opinion on the increased pain. Does anyone have any suggestions on anything I can do to get back on my feet, or at least, to limit the pain in the meantime?

Is there a way around the 1 year operators license law to get my CDL A?

So i went to get my CDL class A. i have only had my license for 2 months. but i have been driving longer. *with a permit* i have also used a forklift to load truck for 1 year and 7 months. i have no tickets, parking violations blah blah. and i already took the course and i got a 94% on my tests so i know i can pass im 22 years old and just want to drive truck.

Is it hard to get into the mining industry to drive those big dump trucks?

I would love to do it but am unsure as to how to do it. I am currently qualified as a forklift driver and have an open license and can drive both manual and auto. Also which areas in Australia would i be able to do it if i was to become one. Hours etc, hourly rate.....

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Flea's, how long can they survive without a host?

hi, i recently have been informed that my place of work has had a flea infestation, the cat flea type, and they have ccalled in pest control to fumigate the area. a few members of staff have since complained that their homes have now been infested through carrying the fleas home on there uniform. i, at first thought everyone was jumping (pardon the pun) at the opportunity of a few extra pound in their wages for compensation, as our work ( a major clothing outlet) were paying out on any products or infestation control that staff have had to pay out. i wasnt really concerned myself as i had no bites on my body like some of the others, also i have no animals in the house and had no real reason to concern myself. now it seems my 4 year old daughter has two bites on the ankle, well at least i think thats what they are, she is complaining of an annoying itch shortly after the bumps arrived, she has now a further two on her tummy. hubby got one on the lower leg the following day, however, my other daughter and i seem totally untouched. anyway, the long and short of the story is, i am wondering how long these vermin can survive without an animal to live on??? i have took all the bed clothes off and boil washed them, the only carpet in the house, in my bedroom, i have hoovered. do i need to do anything else??? i havent seen one pysically in front of me and have been looking all over the bed in our room as thats were the bites seem to be occurring. will they die of if there is only a couple??

Girls what does this mean?

Well obviously she was staring at you, so she could find you attractive and like you. Since she is shy there is a good chance that she does like you. Try to talk to her if you like her to know for certain. If she blushes or acts fidgety she probably does have a crush on you. You won't really know what she thinks until you actually go and talk to her.

NBC apology on Pledge of Allegiance doesn't satisfy Family Research Council?

I have never seen the Pledge of Allegiance recited at a sporting event in my entire life. I think they did this on purpose and that it was definitely intentional to make a statement. I don't accept their apology either.

Do you think an SS examiner is more likely to approve a claim if he/she feels sympathetic?

Yes, it is impossible to negate your feelings if the situation is one where it could go either way. If the situation feels personal you are obviously going to be more inclined to approve it if all the others factors are consistent with an approval. But I also think the reverse is true, if a person has had a bad experience with a person similar to the claimant, if there is any question that the claim is insufficient - they'll be more likely to deny it.

Please, I need study habits that are majorly and proven effective!?

Okay, so I'm actually procrastinating now, but I really want to get on with my work after this. Look, I need advice from a super smart honor student here. I need ways to be the top of the class, to be the smartest cookie, and to be the one to beat. I just don't know how. Please help me. Oh, and kindly give me advice on how to recite more frequently. You see, I'm having a difficulty regarding this because I usually construct a sentence in my head first before speaking, so I get beaten by other students in class who are quick thinkers. Thanks very much. :)

Anyone know The Odyssey in Greek?

I had a high school English teacher who knew (some of) Homer's Odyssey in the original Greek, and recited the line about Sisyphus pushing the stone up the hill only to have it roll back down eternally. In the Greek, he told us, the line was in dactylic meter and "simulated" the rolling, bouncing stone. Can anyone give me that line in English characters? As I recall, it ended something like "tempeta morphesus."

I'm an atheist, my friend is christian?

Simply explain to her how you feel.. If she doesn't respect you, then she is not worthy to be your friend.

Craigslist Job Scam? Legitimate?

You can trace almost any scam at a href="," rel="nofollow",/a just search with the company name, person or website.

What sort of feeling do you have when watching and listening to such words?

It sounds like a good song. It's too bad i can't understand. And I'm not watching actual words, that part of the question wasn't accurate. I certainly am not willing to listen to it for more than two minutes.

With what can you paint curbstone to get a uniform finish?

I have concrete curbstones surrounding my garden; I removed them and re-organized them; the problem is, due to chip off and re-application of joint mortar, the finish looks inconsistent and rather nasty. My questions is, what can I use as paint that would give me a uniform concrete color as if they were newly fixed. Can I just mix water and cement and paint that over them with a sponge?

Should I give up on her?

First of all: are you SURE you want to make it happen? Because to me, she doesn't sound like a very nice person. I personally don't think she's right for you. If she keeps making fun of you in public and stuff, and is rude like that... why would you want to be with her? She's just going to continue doing that. And sorry to be harsh, but it sounded like she was flirting with the other guy too- trying to get his attention. Sorry, but you should rethink this, and be 100% sure that you do want to make it happen with her. To me it sounds like a waste of time on somebody who isn't worth it...

I love when democrats actually try to recite job creation as an accomplishment of Obama. On which planet?

It's wrong and it is sad political propaganda. Shame on you for not recognizing the true suffering of the unemployed in this country Long term unemployment is worse now than it was during the Great Depression. Check your facts, and stop behaving like tools of this amateur administration. Did you not notice unemployment going UP to 9.1% last month? Or were you too busy tweeting with soon-to-be former Congressman Weiner?

Asking about what a job pays?

"try you out" tells me they might have you come in that day with no pay, to see how you do in the job, and also if you like it. I did for a job once, sucks, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I would wait until the end of the first day and just ask. If they dont pay what you want, you are only short changed on one day

Do i deserve getting detention at school for wearing a Marilyn Manson Tee?

I am sure there is something against cuss words in the dress code, and even if the Sh!t does use a ! instead of an i, that is where you got in trouble.

How are schools like in the United States?

Each class is about 1 hour, 7 classes total, always expect drama in high school (-_-), Christmas break, spring break, summer break, lunch is paid for by you unless paid by school is needed, lunch at 12, 5 minutes between class, and remember, if you mess with someone in high school you're going to get messed with, and you ain't gonna like it.

What's wrong with everyone (guys and girls)?

Because in the unconsious / evolutionary perspective of many it can be applicable. In terms of the animalistic/psychological/ego aspect....a woman and a man will interact in a way that proves a best fit for survival for their genes. This is why men are seen as the hunters/physical workers/ work dogs/idiots doing the dumb sh*t. And women are seen as the ones that either find or support a man/job/money in a nice manner, or a vicious way. Its just more so something psychological. Plus when every movie is about some loser turning their life around and becoming someone with a head on their shoulders...they usually need to start off with a helpless idiot whos being kicked down by some b*tch for the emotional effect lol

Friday, July 15, 2011

A uniform 1.50-g meterstick is supported horizontally by two vertical strings...?

One string is at the 0-cm mark and the other string is at the 80-cm mark. Determine the tensions in the string. I know this is a torque question, but my teacher says my entire concept is wrong. please help!

Would the Marine Corps "Alphas" (uniform) be appropriate for courthouse wedding?

White matches almost everything in my opinion. I think that the dress will match the uniform and I have always thought that men look good in uniforms. So I do think that the way that you are planning to go is just as attractive for a man on his wedding day as would his "Dress Blues" I think that the "Alphas" uniform would look nice

RAMADAN: Is obedience of Rasoolallah (saww) ISLAM?

Islam is all about Mo. Without him, it never would have existed. Notice when Muslims say "the prophet" they all know it's Muhammad who is being talked about. That is because they don't worship or follow any prophet of God, just Mo.

In my dream a number of people and me were gathered together,?

Everybody will be gathered to pray in the end times . Either this queen is the leadercof the resistance or this Is a false Christian institution like the catholic church .

What age do you consider okay to have sex?

My girlfriend says 15. I'm not sure. So I'm asking. If thts cool than I'm recited cuz we both turn 15 in September

What is the name of this song?

I just know the video has like a girl using a dollhouse because i think her boyfriend is trying to tell her what to do. an then at the end she has something to do with a recite because she says she's glad she kept her recite. Thanks a bunch!!

The home depot acheivements can i transfer with everything i have at a store?

so i have 4 homer awards i just started working at the home depot on my 6months i am transfering from newyork to a store in miami can i take my homer awards my forklift,oj,electric license and reach license to the store i am transfering to or do i have to do everything over again will the same code i use to clock in work at the other store?

How much should a forklift license cost in perth western australia?

qestion says it all looking to get my forklift license, i havent got very much experience so i will probably need the two day one... cheers everyone

Anime & Managas Character Dressing.?

So In Almost Every Manga/Anime I Have Ever Read The Charcters Who Go to Any Kind Of School, Besides College, Always Wear Those Cute Little Uniforms? I'm Wondering If Japanese Schools Actually Require Them To Dress Like That??

I really need help, some advice, my parents are going to kill me...?

This morning juice spilled in my bag and I mistakenly threw out something that I need that costed me 70$ (a recite) in the school garbage bin. I really need advice!! Do you know if the school throws out garbage over night? I was so irresponsible my parents will be furious... I wouldn't care so much if it wa my money spent but it was my parents!! Please I'm crying like crazy and freaking out. Help?!

Mother's death - Possible Law suite?? State of TX?

Find a lawyer who wants to take this on contigency and is prepared to fight walmart. File the lawsuit and do it soon as the clock is ticking. Good luck.

Can i return something if i don't have the recite but...? PLEASE ANSWER!?

I bought this leather jacket a couple of weeks ago from ALDO and i saw one that i like a lot better now...I bought the jacket off of my credit card but i do not have the recite or any of the tags:( Can i return it, or will they not let me?

Where can I find a 5000watt (or upwards) DC motor?

Im looking for a powerful DC motor to convert my go kart from petrol to electric.I noticed some people choose forklift truck motors for this but where else are they found? I would ideally like to buy a second hand unit. Any pointers would be great, cheers

Best place to raise a family in Ontario?

Hi, I have been searching the internet for years on places to live in canada. I am from Perth Australia and have my heart set on moving to canada in the next few years. I was wondering if anyone could help me with some info on some good cities to live and work. My hubby is a cabinet maker, has his forklift ticket and has worked in construction and labouring positions. We like quiet green area's with a decent property size (1/2-1 acre) so semi rural would be nice but would still have to be at the most about 20-30 mins away from work & shopping.I would also like to live about an hour or so away from a major city. We are looking for a detatched house for around 150,000 hopefully in a friendly genuine community but not too small that everyone knows everything about everyone. Weather wise.. coming from perth AU we are looking for somewhere with mildish heat and not too freezing winters. I would also like to be about 20 mins or less away from a walmart and other shops. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated cos its so hard to find good info on things like this when you have never visited the area.

Why are mongols in china being killed? should china give back mongol's freedom?

Mongols are already a "minority" in China, the Chinese people should preserve their very existence and help maintain their numbers. But sadly, that is not what China is doing. Instead, they minimize their numbers, forcing them to do hard labor and the worst part is killing them. The Mongols should retaliate and answer back, they have been oppressed for many years and they are being slowly crippled in numbers so that they are outnumbered.

I need help about a walmart thing?

i bought halo reach when it came out at walmart and bought the 1 year service plan if it brakes . but then i sold it cuz i wanted a kinect but i kept the if i get a broken copy of reach and use my recite will they give me a new copy or what

What this Condition called?

I've seen people who when nervous recite rules or facts that they've read about and usually it has to do with the stressful situation they're in. What is this condition called? Is there even a name for it?

What would happen if our soldiers wore solid colors & used G3 rifles?

Solid colors are easy to see against other colors for example almost invisible against a sand dune, highly visible against a building. For the weapon it has to shoot 5.56 bullets are important it has to shoot NATO rounds. Or 7.79 mm rounds.

Do Ghosts wear Ghost Clothes too?

Many times when I hear ghost stories the story will have a ghost in a uniform or in period dress. How is this done? Do they wear ghost clothes?

Need an outfit for non school uniform!?

Hey, I'm 14 and I need an outfit to wear to quasar and school afterwards :L Its really hot at the moment but I don't like my legs at all so don't want to wear shorts on their own but don't own a pair of jeans either as they don't fit me right :/ any suggestions? Links would be very helpful<3

Christians: Salvation by faith alone?

Entirely too many people just 'read' the Bible and don't understand it, then try to prove it to be wrong. To actually 'study' the Bible requires much time and discussion with true scholars of theology so that they really know what passages mean. A good understanding of the ancient languages and reading the earliest manuscripts in those languages helps to get the true meaning. This is where trained theologists come in very handy to the folks who know only English, for instance, not the Bible languages. Need I say you have it all wrong? God bless.

Does anyone know where i can get a rack?

When i mean rack i mean rack and pinion. Not for Cars, Im working on a toycar and i need a rack and pinion because im make it like a forklift which i will mount the rack on the lifter and the pinion on the motor. if u could tell me stores where they sell it at that would be apreciated or offline. and i wouldnt want it too be expensive . (details) --- Rack and pinion i want them too be steel

I want to be with her but she is hot and cold?

Mr.gentleman shes prolly moved on.dont be heartbroken shes just playing around with the other guy.,the next time she calls names out to you just call her back omethung and dnt look at the guy at the same timme.that wud make u kook like ur insulting her.just make it look like ur nt surrendering to her idiotic comments

What are some good lines to recite in Romeo and Juliet play alone?

I need to recite 8-14 lines from Romeo and Juliet's play for a final grade mark. I just need a line that stands out and speaks out to people, something I can refer to in everyday life.

What is the difference between merocrine and apocrine secretions?

"don't recite from any passage(copy and paste)" because I'm asking you to do my homework for me and I know that my teacher will google my answer and find out that I'm cheating.

Propane regulator getting cold?

I have three propane tanks for my grill, two regular and one tank that I got off my dads old forklift, (it just looked like it would hold more gas) when I hook the forklift cylinder up my regulator very cold, why? Do I need to lay it on its side like it sits on the forklift or am I doing something wrong

Please help with this physics question?

a 613kg mass is placed on a forklift that can generate 950 W of power. what is the constant speed of the forklift while lifting this load?

At what age did you stop reciting the rhyme I pray the LORD my soul too keep.?

I never prayed that before. I used to pray Our Father and Hail Mary until I was around 12. Now I pray what's on my mind. I used memorized prayers less.

What are the differences in uniforms?

I know the Marine Corps has different dress uniforms like: blue with blood stripe pants, white pants, plane blue pants...but what are the who wears white and who wears blue...and does everyone have the blood stripe on the coat?

When Senior Citizens first ventured on the internet, what type of sites were their main focus?

Mines was on e-mails at first so that it would save on long distance phone bills, then I wanted some free coupons for shopping and did that and then it was the websites for soap operas and other shows spoilers..and then do some looking around for clothes on line and check out some free shows and movies to watch and now this Y/A...=)

Do you know any Warehouse job opening for entry level?

I live in North Dallas, can you help me get a job? I have heard that Warehouse jobs gives like $10/hour or more. Does anyone know a Warehouse job opening for entry level in Garland, Richardson and Dallas. I've already browse the jobs online but most of them requires to operate a forklift, I really need job right know, please help. I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

Should I give up on her?

Well, if she says this stuff just to embarrass you, you should give up on her. If she acts like somebody else in front of others, you should....

How To Prepare for the Military?

Sounds like you should talk to the Marines, if that's what you Truly want. As for getting prepared your recruiter can help with that by giving you specifics for what the Marines require. Have a positive attitude and enjoy yourself.

Physics two help with electric fields?

An infinite plane has a uniform surface share distribution (�) on it's surface. Right behind it is an infinite paralle layer of charge of thinkness d and uniform volume density (p). All charges are fixed. Find the Electric field everywhere.

First Day Of 7th Grade ?

i know its a little early but i always think ahead for some reason. i have to wear school uniform @ my school still. & im always the 2nd best dressed in my grade :( i dont really care though but just saying. i wear alot of name brand clothes & i also like wetseal & forever21 alot. i cant decide if want to dress really girly (a uniform skirt ; a polo ; flats or my white EdHardy low tops 7 neutral makeup & possibly a sweater of some sort) or just casual like last year (polo ; cami ; jacket ; lowtops & shorts or pants & neutral makeup) i really wanna change up my style a bit . could anyone help me out ? Thanx So Much (: <'33 ~Alisee-N'ial(:

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What do you think this story is about?

The magnificent tree of life that pierces through soft, smooth, supple skin. Each piercing, a derivative of its own and each tear, an echo of its own that streams though the widest of paths to a permanent scar. Eliza Cumming inhaled and recited calmly to herself, "the magnificent tree of life piercing through soft, smooth, supple skin but each piercing with two derivatives, and each tear, two echoes of its own". The wind from afghanistan blew his scent of raspberry to her nostrils and brought a pricklish feel to. her skin and for the first time in three months, she had a smile on her face.

What is the equation of an electron fired perpendicular to uniform electric field? ?

The force on a point charge due to an electric field is simply F=q*E where q is the charge of the point charge and E is the field strength. The direction of the force would be in the same direction of the field if the charge is positive and the opposite direction of the field if the charge is negative.

Can they refuse his holiday request?

Hi,my friend asked for holiday in april for 3 weeks time. He is forklift driver at night. There is only 2 of them at night all the time-when one going holiday there is no cover,they just doing what they can and day shift pick up rest. His holiday request has been refused due to manager doesnt want to leave one guy at night for......3 weeks time. Plus addaed that some staff on days is also on holiday. Can they refuse it with that reasons? What is day shift holiday to nights when never covered or long holiday????

You wanna put what in where?

No. Rail cars are much more stable than semi trailers, and don't need stabilization jacks underneath while loading/unloading.

Pre Order at Gamestop!!?

Ok so I pre-orderd Gears of War 3 but i want the limited edition but they were out and all they have now is the 150$ version. I found a website that has some limited editon on it and wanted to know if i could get my money back form gamestop without my recite.

What would be a cool way for...?

A water gun full of holy water. Maybe you could do a bit of research into how exorcisms were preformed and what kind of methods were used to flush demons out then modify what you find.

What is the "T" for on certain WW2 uniforms?

Technical is the abreviation T stands for, The T was used orimarily as a pay grade instead of a rank of sargeant

CRPS RSD help please...?

Ok so in mid november of 2010 my foot and ankle was ran over by a 2 ton forklift at work. When I saw and orthopedic he read my x rays and told me I had no fractures just a "true crush injury"...In the next 2 months im going back and fourth to the doctor and physical therapy with not much change and frequent pain..My orthopedic then calls for an mri which revealed 4 fractures in my foot to add to the crush 2 and a half months later im diagnosed wit crps or rsd (same thing) question is will I be in a lifetime of pain? will i get some sort of settlement for this? im recieving pay from workers comp now but i feel between the pain and suffering and loss of quality of life i should be compensated more than what I am...i forgot to mention im 29 year old male....thank you for any help

Quit my job.. extremely upset..?

No you are not a failure we all make mistakes you can start again somewhere new and your only 19, and maybe it was just not the right place for you so look elsewhere God bless

Any way to get free forklift operator manuals?

need operator manuals for several different makes and models. wondering if there is a good site that has free manuals or at a decent aftermarket price? Do not want to pay the dealers prices.

Marist Uniforms Please?

Ok, I'm a girl, eighth grade. And I'm just wondering what Marist's uniforms are. I'm in Chicago. But I'm guessing they're the same everywhere right?

Are pallet jacks hard to pull?

I'm gonna be getting my first job in a warehouse soon, with forklifts and stuff. I don't think I'll be driving one just yet, I am pretty sure they will start me out on a pallet jack and I'll have the option to go up to fork lift stocking. I'm really anxious cause its my first job, I'm thinking like.. What if I don't know what to do, or I don't get it and look bad. I mean I know it's just overnight stocking but still. They'll train me and teach me everything I need to know right?

Will you please critique my story? [10 pts to honest opinions]?

It was rather dull. You have great descriptions and tell the audience enough to get a mental picture, but you need to liven it up a little more!(: It doesn't necessarily need to be happier, but it needs to be more interesting. You have great transitions, but try to explain what exactly is happening better. Make the reader want more.

How can I be more prettier...ANSWER ASAP!?!?!?

Do something cute with your uniform that no other girl does! Like a little sash around the waist, don't button your collar all the way, etc. Also, get a really good lengthening mascara and some shiny lipgloss. Curl you hair, straighten it, crinkle it, braid it and sleep on it, etc. Jut smile and be peppy, but real. Guys will love ya!

Bleaching Gray Fabric?

Im trying to bleach a skirt and I have no Idea what material it is because there is no tag, but the material is like a really thick fabric used to make uniform skirts. I'll take any advice, thanks!

Working papers 19 years old?

I just got employed by taco bell. The other day they gave me my uniform and everything and gave me my date to come in. She called me shortly after that day and said that she needed my working papers. I dont recall her giving me any such thing, and i called this morning and explained the situation and the other manager said i dont need working papers, im 19. Do i need them?