Monday, July 18, 2011

Need to redesign auto gear shift on all cars & trucks?

I don't know who is the first one who designs the auto gear shifts, but I think it is completely against the human instinct. When we want to go forwards, our instinct tells us to shift forwards. Look at the airplane and forklift, they are designed as such. When one wants to uplift the plane, one uplifts the control.This is called instinct!!!!. Instinct comes to play when you are in a panic or you mind wonders off. There are too many accidents where one reverses into shops or their own houses. I myself have made this kind of mistake but stops in time. This happens when you are not yourself. LETS HAVE OPEN DISCUSSION ON THIS. But I know,it will be a herculean job to convince the motor industries to change the long established design practice !!!!!

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