Friday, July 15, 2011

First Day Of 7th Grade ?

i know its a little early but i always think ahead for some reason. i have to wear school uniform @ my school still. & im always the 2nd best dressed in my grade :( i dont really care though but just saying. i wear alot of name brand clothes & i also like wetseal & forever21 alot. i cant decide if want to dress really girly (a uniform skirt ; a polo ; flats or my white EdHardy low tops 7 neutral makeup & possibly a sweater of some sort) or just casual like last year (polo ; cami ; jacket ; lowtops & shorts or pants & neutral makeup) i really wanna change up my style a bit . could anyone help me out ? Thanx So Much (: <'33 ~Alisee-N'ial(:

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