Sunday, July 17, 2011

I got an injury at work caused by a forklift on March 3...?

I work at a meat packing plant and I was squished (for lack of a better term because crushed doesn't seem to describe it) between a conveyor and a metal cart by a forklift. My hip hurt a lot and the medical department at work sent me to the local hospital and they sent me to Mayo because I am pregnant (the baby is fine) and they were unable to deal with such an injury. They said there is no broken bones which is typical with a crush injury and I will be sore for 1-2 weeks. After almost 2 weeks, I started it started to feel better but since then it has started to hurt more (like it did just 1 week after the accident). My doctor says I am complaining about both joints in the hip and if it still hurts in another 2 weeks he'll order an mri to take a closer look at the soft tissue to see if there is any tearing because it's not something that will require surgery just time to heal. I started physical therapy and was told that there is probably a bruise inside the muscle. On Monday, if it still hurts, I am going to call the doctor to get his opinion on the increased pain. Does anyone have any suggestions on anything I can do to get back on my feet, or at least, to limit the pain in the meantime?

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