Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Failed Drug Test Results. Who can have them.?

Ok, now before I get started i don't need any morons posting one liners because they think they are funny. I f yo are that funny, why aren't you a comedian instead of some idiot sitting at the pc. Now onto more serious matters. Recently, I was employed by a staffing agency. I had an accident on a forklift. Not major , but still an accident. They allowed me to work the rest of the day. The next day, 24 plus hours later they sent me for a drug screen. That is understandable except that the manager said that the super handled it wrong the day before. Now I go to the staffing agency, who is my employer, and they give me a drug test. It comes up positive for cocaine. Now, I know that it sounds bad, but I hadn't done any cocaine. They didn't ask if i was taking any medications, or anything . urinalisis tests can be wrong 30 percent of the time. However this was still 24 hours later. I know they can do a random but law requires them to have a system that gives everybody the same chance of being tested. They have none. I went to another staffing agency and passed their test. Now that being said, after giving me the test the receptionist sticks the test results on the copy machine and sends it over to the place where i was working. This place is not my employer. They have know right getting these results. Not only that , but they stick this picture of the tesst results in my personal file. They can't do that. Then the VP of the staffing agency tells me in exact words, that I pissed hot for cocaine, tells me to stop sucking the glass D**k, hands me a card and tells me to change my life style. I am wondrering if I have a legal leg to stand on. First, by my employer sending, by fax, the exact test strip to a place that isn't my employer, and second by the ddegrading statements made to me. thank you

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